Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare)

Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare)
A cichlid that is native to South America, the angelfish (derived from their wing-like fins) can grow up to sizes of 8 inches tall and live for around 10 years. They can come in a variety of colours and patterns.
Labelled in-store as ‘community with caution’ they are generally a peaceful fish with others of their size however, they can make a quick meal of any smaller fish that are able to fit in their mouth. Most of the aggressive behaviour they demonstrate is territorial shows between one another to assert dominance over angels within the tank once they mature.
Ideal tank mates for the angelfish are larger tetra breeds such as the cardinal tetra or congo tetra, however nano fish such as the galaxy rasbora or endler guppys would not be ideal tank mates due to their smaller size.
They are an omnivorous fish but do prefer to have more protein in their diet, delivered best in a pellet food and supplemented with either live or frozen foods such as bloodworm or brineshrimp. However, if given the chance they will eat most food that is offered to them such as a sinking pellet or algae wafers.