South American Pufferfish

South American Pufferfish

More quality advice from our friends at NTLabs

Fish Focus for you today! 🐟

Colomesus asellus is more commonly known as the South American Pufferfish or Amazon Pufferfish. Although not a large fish, the fact they like to be kept in groups (unusual for puffers) means that a 100-litre aquarium would be the minimum required, these puffers are very sensitive to poor water quality and, as previously mentioned, prefer highly oxygenated water, for this reason good external filtration would be recommended along with the use of air stones or power heads to increase the dissolved oxygen levels. Decoration of the aquarium should try to replicate the conditions found in the Amazon so sand or fine gravel with plenty of plants both rooted and floating along with bogwood or azalea roots to replicate fallen and overhanging branches.

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